Advanced Content Edit

Advanced Content Edit

Advanced Content Editing Services include:

  • Copy Editing and Line Editing 
  • Correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Ensuring consistency in your writing, word choices, style, and compositional spacing
  • Eliminating jargon, slang, and repetition
  • Revising inappropriate verb tenses
  • Checking for subject-verb agreement
  • Inserting transitional phrasing
  • Evaluating the continuity/flow of your thoughts
  • Ensuring support of statements
  • Providing correct formatting of citations/references, and footnotes according to industry style guide formatting
  • Providing critical assessment and feedback of your manuscript throughout your document’s comments section
  • Adjusting structure and order of scenes
  • Improving cohesiveness of ideas, proposals, characters, scenes, settings, descriptions, and point of view throughout
  • Assessing the manuscript’s overall strengths and weaknesses
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